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…raising agents of Liberation

Values & Virtues | Pattern for Life | Purpose for Living

The Children’s Church Faith Tabernacle is an arm of the Living Faith Church Aka Winners Chapel International.

Raising the next generation as agents of the liberation mandate

The Children’s Church is saddled with the responsibility of employing strategies that will enhance the effort of raising the next generation and equipping them to take the baton of leadership to the glory of God.
Children’s Church teachers are on ground to present the gospel of Christ to the children in ways they understand.



Is your family new to Living Faith Church Children's Church?

We are New, connect us!

How do i get started?

I am a teenager!

So where do we go from here?

I am a Parent!

I need resources for my child.

We’re addressing the spiritual needs of children/ teenagers in the Children’s Church.

We are guiding and mentoring children/ teenagers in our church to empower them for impactful contributions in the kingdom.

We are safeguarding children/ teenagers in our church from the negative influences of pollution, corruption, and moral decline.

We are nurturing children/ teenagers in our church to become individuals of great reputation and exceptional excellence.